Journal Club - Monday, December 28th, 2020

It is announced that the Journal Club Presentation session will be held at "Big Blue Button" From 7.30 to 9 On Monday, December 28th, 2020.
It is announced that the Journal Club Presentation session will be held at "Big Blue Button" From 7.30 to 9 On Monday, December 28th, 2020.
Title: Al-Dmour H, Masa’deh R, Salman A, Abuhashesh M, Al-Dmour R. Influence of social media platforms on public health protection against the COVID-19 pandemic via the mediating effects of public health awareness and behavioral changes: integrated model. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020; 22(iss.8): e19996: 1-15.
Advisor: Dr Hamidreza Namazi
Presenter: Dr Mohammad Kiasalar
Meeting participation link: